
The World Needs To Burn In Nuclear Fire

Published 12 April, 2022 --amj
I live in the capital city of my state and there are nearby miltary bases all over. I'm confident that I wouldn't even see the flash, and if I did that's the last thing I'd be aware of.If there's a nuclear war the living will envy the dead. --Nikita Khrushchev
Things in the U.S. and the rest of the world are so massively fucked up that everything I do feels like rearranging deckchairs on a sinking ship. The pandemic has been difficult for me. My mental health has been deteriorating substantially over this last winter. With the rare exceptions of shopping and an occasional walk or bike ride, I don't go out of the Shack at all.Politics is not really politics anymore. It is run, for the most part, by Madison Avenue advertising firms, who sell politicians to the public the way they sell soap or cans of beer. --Helen Caldicott
I spend days at a time in a roughly 32.5 m2 (350 ft2) room. So much time, in fact, that I track the last time that I've gone out in to the world by the last time I rebooted my computer. I reboot it when I run errands. I'd lose track of the days completely if I didn't do this. If all of this paints a dark picture of my present existence, good. These are dark times. All the dreams that I am still physically capable of pursuing have been killed by this pandemic.

This page was originally designed to look like an early Nineties webpage from Geocities and other hosts of the time. The idea was to burn it on to a bunch of mini-CDs that I'd found and mail it to online friends. It was great fun. The original index page ishere.

I gave up on long-form blogging back when the MyOpera community was shutdown, and I've wanted something more functional that I can make a mess of for whatever reason as I've been shrinking my presence on social media sites. (All social media clients have bee deleted from my phone, in fact.) I really don't think much is going to come of this change, but I need a distraction at the moment, and tinkering with this is providing that right now. Any new pages or posts I create will appear here.